For the first thousand years of their history' the Drasnians appear to have been nomadic herdsmen following the yearly migrations of the reindeer herds.
The yearly back-to-school migration means students and teachers have vacated hundreds of summer jobs, leaving Westchester employers struggling as best they can to fill positions, especially entry-level jobs.
Monarchs are especially noted for their yearly migration over long distances.
California sea lions, harbor seals and sea otters frequent the coastal waters while gray whales pass close by during their yearly migration.
Now that I have told you of our yearly migration, you can judge of the folly you were contemplating.
Tarpon, millions of them, were streaming past Key West, Fla., in their yearly migration from Central America to their summer pastures along the Gulf Coast.
The transumanza is the Italian term for transhumance, the traditional twice yearly migration of sheep and cows from the highlands to the lowlands, and vice versa.
This park protects those species that routinely traverse Cameroon in their yearly migrations.
They follow the rain bait that congregate by the billions at the point, pausing on their yearly migration.
Once in the channel there were no more obstacles in their way to open water and eventually to the North Pacific, where their yearly migration should have taken them weeks earlier.