In the United States, the average yearly volume of milk produced by a cow is about 14,500 pounds (6,580 kg).
As a result the yearly bound volumes got quite large (sometimes over 600 pages).
Each yearly volume includes ten chapters, some supplemented by country memos, datelines, maps or graphics.
By 1918 there were 18 yearly volumes that covered 26 cities.
Industry experts estimate his yearly volume is between $20 million and $30 million.
Even so, a sharp new recession and increasing luxury competition diminished Lincoln's yearly volume after 1990, pushing it down to the 160,000-197,000 range through middecade.
After that, yearly volumes of updates were published.
The drastic change was a major step for Lerner, a division of the Limited with a yearly volume of $1 billion.
Each yearly volume of Popular Astronomy contained 10 issues, for a total of 59 volumes.
These yearly volumes are the only reference resource identifying current grants subject to the peer review process in a wide spectrum of art research.