Wingover pointed toward a large pavilion draped with red and yellow awnings.
He was granted a permit to put up a blue and yellow awning that spans the sidewalk in front of his store.
The club doesn't advertise its existence - look for a yellow awning and a tiny buzzer - but welcomes guests.
We tasted them all at his shop, an unassuming place with yellow striped awnings, down the street from the cathedral in Noto.
The fringe of the green and yellow awning flapped quietly overhead.
Down the street, under the yellow awning of a now-shuttered African market, neighbors have set up a memorial for the Malian dead.
He seemed the loneliest man in that plain void enclosed by orange and yellow sun-blasted awning.
Others are cultural, like the red, yellow and blue awnings in front of Puerto Rican markets.
Indeed, if he has his way, the company's yellow awnings will become as ubiquitous as the Golden Arches.
The house is beautiful, gray stone with a wraparound porch and yellow awnings, on a street shaded by sycamores.