The cabin's clearing was still filled with sunlight, though, filtered through a yellow blaze of chestnut trees.
The trail soon ends, with no more yellow blazes to lead the way.
The small frame house, as I've already mentioned, was painted in a blaze of orange, purple, red, and yellow.
It is marked with yellow blazes and is a designated "easy" trail.
The red hair was short upon high, defiant head, and the yellow blaze of her eyes held fury as a crucible holds fire.
In horror, Daniel watched the skeletons glowing as they melted within the pale yellow blaze.
The trail is marked with yellow blazes and is generally easy to follow.
Back down at the head of the trail, there is also a yellow blaze.
They flared into a fizzing yellow blaze that gave more than enough light to examine the duck.
The muzzle flash was a bright yellow blaze against the dark camouflage.