There was a grey and yellow blur in mid-air and a small thunderclap.
Her eyes unfocused, letting the flame lose its distinct shape and become a blur of orange, red, and yellow.
Then in a flash the thing burst into the clearing and came charging in our direction, a yellow blur.
Matt flew for an hour before he saw a faint yellow blur to the left.
Getting a grip, he began to shake the racketeer until Turk's face became a yellow blur.
"A yellow blur, which turned out to be a school bus, passed before my eyes and hit a tree."
Through the trees that dark gray afternoon the glow from the great skylight was plainly visible, a yellow blur of light.
Their faces, as Margo saw them, were scarcely more than yellow blurs.
In Hyperion, on a clear day, the sky was a uniform yellow blur, unguessably high.
The initial pressing, with a yellow blur on the front, was limited to 2000 copies.