Her yellow braid was wound in a crown atop her head.
A sea of brown blazers piped with yellow braid engulfed our two green ones.
In a single bed, next to theirs, lay a little girl of eleven, wide awake, two yellow braids sticking up on the pillow behind her.
Her long yellow braids of hair - how Anne had envied those beautiful braids in old schooldays!
The sleeves were decorated with captain's rank stripes in the same yellow braid as the trousers.
He carried the well-known colors of dark grey, yellow braids, sleeves, and cap.
His thoughts turned to the blacksmith's daughter, Toya, with her long yellow braids and slender body.
"I must go," she said in a distracted voice as she flipped a pale yellow braid over her shoulder.
A big man, yellow braids, a mustache that came nearly to his chin?
Her dark yellow braids were entwined with pink ribbon that matched her dress exactly.