Very few cars disturbed us as we examined lapis butterflies on yellow broom and snapped photos each time the twisting road gave new perspectives of the two towns capping their respective hills.
We crossed verdant rolling farm country covered with flowering blue lupine and yellow broom.
Straight ahead, a single track wound up through the green scrub and brown earth and bright yellow broom.
We wound among jade-colored grazing pastures, hillsides swept with yellow broom, and swift, aquamarine rivers punctuated by the occasional cataract.
Shafts of light beamed through the branches of tall trees bearing fresh, green leaves; we picked our way through purple crocuses and yellow broom.
Just now the green-gray slopes were splashed buttery yellow with spring gorse and Scotch broom; in summer they would be dusted violet with wild bell-heather, and in autumn, russet with dried bracken.
The evening air smells of oregano and yellow broom.
At one end he perceived a small skiff, painted blue and shaped like a swan, lying under a clump of yellow broom.
Bush vegetation includes several type of wild berries and yellow brooms blooming in mid-springtime.
A plume of yellow broom.