There was a picture of a hive, the yellow crayon shiny under the light.
These lines are made by bright red, yellow and blue crayon, and the points are givens, including the corners and the center of the wall.
One of the random 'strange markings' glyph solutions, completed with the yellow crayon, is David Fox's initials.
Xander waits for Willow at the airport with a welcome back sign written in yellow crayon.
This is a callback to the time in "Grave" when Xander mentioned to Dark Willow that she cried in kindergarten after breaking a yellow crayon.
It certainly wasn't Colcha K, a bizarre military post run by Action Man conscripts, where an officer wrote down our names with a yellow crayon.
Lines of yellow crayon streaked skywards.
After tours of duty, Lee and I would go to the house and find Kay reading, underlining passages in books with a yellow crayon.
A few days after his operation, Scott picked out yellow, red and blue crayons to draw before-and-after self portraits.
Alice looked surprised when the yellow crayon was removed from her hand.