Yonder with the yellow knobs, Lankwiler, are the beasts which were assigned into your care.
Why not let Cugel supervise the worms with the yellow knobs, while I command the Blues?
The spherical unit has six colored knobs - purple, red, green, white, orange and yellow - with numbers on them, and a blue base.
The male is black with a curly crest, a white belly, and a yellow knob on its bill.
Its most striking features are its crest, made of feathers that curl forward, and the fleshy yellow knob at the base of its bill.
Females lack this fleshy yellow knob, but otherwise resemble the male in the plumage, being overall black with a white crissum.
She went down with him into the warmish cellar, where already in the darkness the little yellow knobs of rhubarb were coming.
Four-wheel drive is easily engaged by pushing a short floor lever with a yellow knob; an adjacent red lever selects low or high gear ranges.
If you use the latter box, it even has a yellow knob to lock the box in four wheel drive for reverse.