Red leather, yellow leather," a self-conscious voice articulated.
"Red leather, yellow leather," he said more loudly when he noticed Faith.
There was a great gleaming of yellow and patent leather about the saddle and bridle.
Walkara's public name, translated as "yellow," was based on the yellow facepaint and yellow leather which he wore.
He used small-scale chairs, like the ones here in black wicker and yellow leather, that can be easily moved around.
Derenda appeared dressed in black and yellow leather.
It was a splendid office, very large, done in what appeared to be yellow leather.
This was necessary, as the clay of Boeotia was lighter in colour, roughly like yellow leather.
Near the beer market is the place where red and yellow leather is sold.
Shoe stands are pushed out on to the pavement - red, green, yellow and blue leather worked into copycat designs.