Thomas was the oldest, forty-two, a thick strong man with golden hair and a long yellow mustache.
They mostly had ponytails and big thick yellow mustaches, and I never could tell them apart.
Also he had a long yellow mustache that dropped down over his teeth, and always carried a heavy, wicked-looking walking stick in his hand.
Amalric twisted his yellow mustache to hide a grin.
He was a tall man, Tasbrough, with a yellow mustache and a monotonously emphatic voice.
The man whom I found myself facing was a well built, fresh-complexioned young fellow, with a frank, honest face and a slight, crisp, yellow mustache.
Miller was a lean, rangy man with a yellow mustache.
A burly, bald-headed man with a great yellow mustache was standing holding it open, looking at Chee.
He wiped his drooping yellow mustaches with a greasy hand.
He eyed me suspiciously and fingered his yellow mustache.