But even at that, the yellow neckerchief would have been unremarkable except for one fact.
Pretty Bomber is distinguished from her male counterparts by her pink skirt, yellow neckerchief, and the large yellow heart attached to her helmet.
A yellow neckerchief was knotted about his throat and two bone-handled Colt .45s rode low on his muscular thighs.
They wore a plain green sweater and yellow neckerchief.
The Chief Scout wears a yellow neckerchief with a thin maroon border and the Scouting Ireland logo embroidered on the apex.
I remembered my only boy in his blue uniform and yellow neckerchief, taller than all the others, and handsome, too, I thought.
And though all Brownies wear yellow neckerchiefs, each Guide Company has a different colour.
"Whenever the cavalry are portrayed, they're always wearing yellow neckerchiefs," he said, laughing at the grand absurdity.
She adjusted her rawhide blouse, tugged at a yellow neckerchief, and held out a six-fingered hand.