He could see the yellow orb of a street lamp reflected in her eyes.
He could see one of the eyes: a yellow orb the size of a baseball, with a vertical green pupil.
It was a great green swirling bank, punctuated by dusty yellow orbs of street lamps.
Malevolent yellow orbs glared up at him from somewhere below his knee.
Some new danger, he thought, but he dared not take his eyes from the yellow green orbs before him.
His yellow orbs contracted as he looked at Terl.
The sun was rising now, a hot yellow orb in a sky that promised to be a clear azure blue.
For an in- stant their eyes met and he stared into yellow orbs that were full of agony.
Trespass: Destroy the yellow orbs before they reach the vent and go off screen.
Reflex: Destroy the walls by hitting the yellow orbs into them.