Their eggs, called nits, are barely visible, whitish or yellow ovals, which attach to human hair shafts.
The mezzanine, where tickets are sold, is a huge yellow oval.
Figure 34 - Batman (blue/gray with yellow oval)
The general alarm handle is a yellow oval.
Their faces were dim yellow ovals in the shadows of their hoods.
The Judd, an untitled work from 1962, is a painting with a yellow oval carved out of a textured red background.
In the early years the logo was on a white rectangular background, before being backed with a yellow oval.
It curved so frequently that it was impossible to see more than a few yards ahead in the yellow oval of the torch.
We flew several meters, going high enough to see the pattern of bright orange and yellow ovals, the craters where nova bombs had been stopped.
Their searchlights danced yellow ovals on the rushing water.