The skin was wrinkled like old yellow parchment.
The man's face was like fine yellow parchment.
He held up a broad sheet of sleek yellow parchment on which a map had been sketched in bold brown lines.
It looked like a book, covered in yellow parchment, suddenly being opened.
She bowed, came forward, and handed him two large yellow parchments that had been getting crushed in her belt.
The old man's clean-shaven face was like yellow parchment, a noticeable contrast to his white hair.
Her bones were wasted and her complexion had turned to yellow parchment.
It was easy to find the key belonging to the outer door, for each was labelled on a scrap of yellow parchment.
Athelstan accused, picking up the piece of yellow parchment.
His skin looked like yellow parchment drawn tight over bones.