I think the affair will call for my new yellow satin.
She looked beautiful in the yellow satin, the low-cut bodice tight against her slight figure, the skirt billowing out.
The dress was fashioned of yellow satin, its skirt embroidered with dancing butterflies of black.
She took another step back, then sat gracefully in a chair covered with a throw-cloth of red and yellow satin.
Each of them, however, had a chasuble of yellow satin draped around his neck.
When I glimpsed the yellow satin, however, I had to stop.
She wore a mantle of rich yellow satin trimmed with white ermine, and a fashionable five-pointed red ribbon in her hair.
I thought of the woman looking at herself in the painting upstairs, of wearing pearls and yellow satin.
It was newer, slightly larger, the pole rings were shiny brass, and the cushion was yellow satin.
And the damsel was arrayed in a dress of yellow satin.