The yellow sunflowers had begun to wilt, and were being replaced by small white flowers that hugged the ground between clumps of grass.
With a yellow sunflower still hanging from his mouth, the horse turned and clomped through the gate and back onto the street.
There is a stencilled cornice line border and large yellow sunflower between all but one of the rafters.
Fertile green fields alternated this season with plots of brilliant yellow sunflowers.
In great china vases are tall bouquets of simple flowers, principally yellow sunflowers.
A yellow sunflower with orange petals is reproduced in the middle of the blue vertical stripe.
She was wearing powder-blue er-silks with a pattern of tiny yellow sunflowers.
Big yellow sunflowers on every page, with a quote from the Bhagavadgita underneath.
She was wearing a miniskirt with yellow sunflowers and a hoodie.
Lilian turned in at a house with bright yellow sunflowers in front of it.