(In the American Version of the show, she spoke Spanish) She has red hair, wears a purple dress and bright yellow tights.
To gain entry, Ryder improvises a costume from yellow tights and facial make-up designed to look like skin, a green wig and trunks, and red gloves, boots, and furry cloak.
The child was dressed in twisted yellow tights over which he wore a pair of close-fitting, electric-blue underpants.
Last of all came a pathetic-looking little boy in wrinkled yellow tights, electric-blue underpants and a T-shirt with sup am an written incorrectly across the front.
I remembered their smirks and grins and the whispering and giggling and, like the child in the electric-blue underpants and yellow tights, I had felt a complete prat.
So I can 'ave my picture in Vanity Fair wearing purple an' yellow tights, an' I don't look anyfink at all like a sad old queen who's seen much better days.
He paid that glib bugger in the red and yellow tights a thousand gold pieces to get rid of 'em.'
Scott Steiner (yellow tights)
Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner (Rick with black/grey tights, Scott with yellow tights)
I don't go for smoke bombs, yellow tights and leaping around the stage.