The preserve is at its full glory in late spring, when yellow, white, purple and blue wildflowers pop up amid a sea of green grass.
The station had an excellent season in 1981 with the country reported as having "masses of yellow and white wildflowers".
They were walking side by side across a meadow filled with yellow wildflowers.
Oddly, he had a small bunch of blue and yellow wildflowers in one hand.
Try to visit in spring when the surroundings are ablaze with purple, yellow and white wildflowers.
When her mind drifted to a tiny yellow wildflower, she pulled it back, and called herself an idiot.
In spring the countryside is splashed with red, pink, yellow, purple and blue wildflowers.
The next day the rain began to ease somewhat, and we uncovered the mystery of those lovely yellow wildflowers.
It was flat, wide, surrounded by low bushes and curled yellow wildflowers.
Questor looked up from a strange purple and yellow wildflower, oblivious.