They develop light yellow wool after a few days, and open their eyes after a month.
I know it was yellow wool and white satin, Alvirah thought.
"Tara, did you notice someone pick up an infant-sized yellow wool hooded jacket?"
Tie a knot with end of the pink wool and the beginning of the yellow wool.
Hands and feet no bigger than a child's, and what looked like yellow wool atop his head.
The ball is yellow wool, from 22 to 23 grams in weight and from 5 to 5.5 cm in diameter.
The girl buried her face in the striped yellow wool of her rumpled skirt and began to cry.
An apple made of gold and garnets fastened his cloak of yellow wool.
Her bottom was round and firm beneath a skirt of yellow wool.
Once a fluffy white kitten came gamboling from an open doorway, fighting a large ball of yellow wool.