He saw a yellow-haired man and a horse directly in front of him at the water's edge.
The yellow-haired young man, coming up to introduce himself, answered his look of alarm.
The yellow-haired man in his indecent garment was not the only one, either.
The yellow-haired man wanted to know what all of you were saying in this hall.
He was a yellow-haired man with a small mind but a large capacity for complaining.
The smiling, yellow-haired man pushed something made of cold metal into Orlando's mouth.
The yellow-haired man caught his wrist in a crushing grip.
"That beggar said he spotted a yellow-haired man around here."
Suddenly she really saw the man, yellow-haired and in his middle years.
Finally, at ten o'clock, he wandered into the living room and found the yellow-haired man sitting there, holding a book but not reading it.