Wells smiled, a stretching of lips that did not change the expression in his quiet, yellowed eyes.
The last thing that he saw was the dry, yellowed eyes, cracking and peeling, with no visible iris, staring straight through him.
In it are jammed small white balls, each with two yellowed eyes.
The pressure on his toe eased, and the yellowed eye widened.
Now, he stared at his daughter with wild and faintly yellowed eyes as if Rayna herself had caused the sickness.
Henry smiled at the surprise in Henner's yellowed eyes.
Gary only looks at him with his yellowed, fading eyes and says nothing.
I gazed into his yellowed eyes a moment longer, then turned back to my friends.
I looked at her drooping lip and her yellowed eyes.
The senior officer rolled a yellowed eye toward him, but said nothing, "So?"