Nippon Credit is also under scrutiny amid its efforts to restructure 200 billion yen worth of debt.
Executives would be allowed to purchase up to 150,000 common shares in this way or 400 million yen worth, whichever level is reached first.
The captain glared at several million yen worth of cutting-edge technology, and thumped it.
If you buy two million yen worth in stocks, the Nomura man might shoo you out the door.
And umpti-million yen worth of equipment that didn't seem to do much for you.
Foreign investors bought a net 2.69 trillion yen worth of Japanese shares in March, more than any previous month, the finance ministry said.
So if real-estate values suddenly break, the banks will have to call in 12 yen worth of loans for every yen their capital base falls.
However, the theatrical troupe she belonged to disbanded, and she has become burdened with 6 million yen worth of debt.
But the coins included what was then only about 40,000 yen worth of gold each.
The group is also thought to have stolen 3.5 billion yen worth of gem products from another Ginza jewellery shop in 2004.