When I asked him some yes-or-no questions, he would tap the pen on the pad in response.
The issue has been confined to a vote on a simple yes-or-no question whose result is apparently not binding.
Only yes-or-no questions were supposed to be asked by the panel, but this was often relaxed.
The teams will continue to ask yes-or-no questions until one team is able to work out who the guest is.
A decision problem is any arbitrary yes-or-no question on an infinite set of inputs.
To make a yes-or-no question, add Ĉu at the beginning.
She said she had asked her son some yes-or-no questions.
It allows visitors to race one another to answer some basic yes-or-no questions on deadline.
One person thinks of an object, and the other keeps asking yes-or-no questions, to try to find out what it is.
Even the yes-or-no questions - usually more interesting than fair - brought provocative responses.