The yeshiva building also operates gemachs (free-loan funds) for needy families, medical expenses and general loans.
On May 22-28, 1924, the cornerstone laying ceremony took place for the construction of the yeshiva building.
The original yeshiva building still stands in Telšiai.
In 1984, he inaugurated a new yeshiva building where he lectured to unmarried and married students, as well as gave shiurim in his home.
The administration now posts a sign warning kohanim to stay out of the yeshiva building on the day of a yahrzeit.
The yeshiva building includes a yeshiva ketana, yeshiva gedola, and kollel.
Students lodge in the yeshiva's dormitory facilities, located near the main yeshiva building.
In May 1948, shortly after the start of the Israel War of Independence, the yeshiva building was attacked and destroyed by the Arab Legion.
Noe Street was barricaded off to outside traffic as the crowd wound its way to the yeshiva building accompanied by live music and dancing.
The yeshiva building is prominently located on Main Street in Kew Gardens Hills.