An early offer of, say, $10,000 would yield perhaps $9,000 for the plaintiff, after attorney's fees.
Height and spread is 6ft, yield around 20lbs, crops after 2 years.
Finally yielding the floor after 4 minutes, 24 seconds, he muttered, "I was too easy on him."
How could I condemn any man for yielding to his passion, after that?
If the $9,450 is compounded at an annual rate of 13.01 percent, it would yield $17,419 after five years.
The bedroom yielded no secrets, after a quick search of bureau and dresser.
These bonds yielded 7.65 percent on Nov. 3, 1992, the day after the election.
The lock, a cheap Yale, yielded after less than a minute.
Regeneration from fresh seeds yields a success rate of 10% after 24 days.
For example, 196 does not yield a palindrome even after 700,000,000 iterations.