Obviously she was going to require gentle, careful tutoring before that magnificent body would yield of its best.
The computer will yield a set of underlying attributes (or factors).
Analysis of argon radioactive decay products yielded an age of 65.17 0.64 million years.
It yields the joys of conversation, of letters, and of science.
That network yielded 10,000 cubic yards of debris that has been used to fill other areas on the site.
I yield to you from necessity too; from policy besides; and because of feelings that have been a pretty long time working within me.
Infinity Within yielded three commercial singles the year of its release.
For the Treasury's two-year note, the price low and yield high of 3.74 percent came on March 25.
Truth was sometimes good policy, in Mazda's opinion, provided one did not yield too much of it.
In the case of AL 333, this method yielded an age of 3.18-3.21 million years.