Much sooner if the broken-record leftists don't stop chanting "Give peace a chance" between their yoga lessons.
Deanna Morton, a principal in Infinitech, a business development company, arranged for the yoga lessons at the office.
The brothers are deeply involved with the local community, helping keep very poor children in education and giving free music and yoga lessons to many others.
The models start with a yoga lesson to help them learn how to focus.
There are aerobics classes at 7am, 10.30am (women only) and 5.30pm, and regular yoga lessons (Rs 1500 per month).
Not only did he completely fake out the coverage team, it looked like he could have been teaching a yoga lesson in the process, too.
He had played the guitar while in school but later sold it for yoga lessons while living in San Francisco.
But this isn't a wellness retreat or a yoga lesson.
Before dinner, John, who was so laid-back he made the trees seem neurotic, offered us a yoga lesson.
The afternoon's stop was to a yoga lesson.