The young Afrikaners I know will use their guns.
Many young Afrikaners say their parents try to brush off the past.
It also attracted some young Afrikaners.
They were all tough young Afrikaners.
This organization was named for its distinctive Voortrekker dress, which caused some young Afrikaners and others to ridicule its members' appearance and their militancy.
He described young Afrikaners so dehumanized that, in one story, language was reduced to a primal scream.
The 7,000 men trained for this duty are mostly young Afrikaners, although black officers are being rapidly integrated into the units.
Men loyal to the Allies, especially young Afrikaners seen as traitors to the Volk, were assaulted and some were killed.
As a Rhodes scholar, he produced a thesis that condemned the black migrant labor system, a remarkable stance for a young Afrikaner to take.
Although most younger Afrikaners are able to read English, they are more likely to read the Afrikaans-language press.