Some of the young Brazilians live on the street.
But after tonight, it is possible that young Brazilians may be busy imitating Taffarel along with Ronaldo this summer.
In the late nineteen-sixties, a group of young Brazilians from the northeastern state of Bahia blended nearly every musical style the country had produced with...
Due to the genre's popularity with young Brazilians, the group "is known to have subsidized funk parties to recruit young kids for drug dealing".
So the exam experience turns out to be a disheartening introduction to adulthood for millions of young Brazilians, more akin to the slamming of a door.
And like many educated young Brazilians, he sympathized with the rebel cause.
However, in the 1980s and 1990s a large number of younger Brazilians established families in Toronto.
Are there any other young Brazilians besides Ganso and Neymar who would be likely to head to Europe?
Vocations among young Brazilians are not enough to make up the gap.