Its black humor enjoyed cult status among young Britons in the 1950's.
It was provoked by the museum's decision to import the already notorious work of young Britons.
He finished fifth to become the youngest Briton to win a tour card and immediately turned professional.
Many young Britons are now reviving past popular cultures rather than creating new ones.
That might encourage more young Britons to stay on at school in their quest for a good job.
But larger questions remain, including what might have motivated young Britons to undertake months of planning to kill thousands.
On that morning over 40 people went past this young Briton.
Many problems may confront young black Britons today, but racism is arguably the least of them.
Britons all, both young and old, think of those jolly sailors bold.
Thus primed, an international market is keen to see films made by young black Britons.