His pilgrimage begins in 1953 when, as a young Dutchman of Catholic background ("raised by monks"), he first arrived in Spain.
One young Dutchman lived in his milking parlor until health inspectors forced him to buy a trailer home.
The young Dutchman is unusual in that he travels with a 'mental' coach, who practices something called haptotherapy.
He teamed up with Hans Buttner, a young Dutchman who worked as a waiter, and together they staked four claims north of Hollinger's.
They shared their home and food with yet another refugee, a young Dutchman the Gestapo was after.
Along with Bos came Mark Cavendish, who the young Dutchman pipped at the line for the victory.
Discovering that the young Dutchman spoke English, they quickly enlisted Roelofs to help as guide and interpreter.
"To Brooklyn Bridge" is by a young Dutchman hopelessly in love with the sensuousness of sound.
He leaves the next morning and meets a very enthusiastic young Dutchman by the name of Ter Haar on the boat.
South was Vincent Ramondt, a young Dutchman, and he began by taking dummy's diamond winners.