She would later join several other young Egyptians in founding the April 6 Youth Movement.
The movement stresses non-violent means to bring young Egyptians together for the goal of political change.
During the Nasser years, many young Egyptians studied in Soviet universities and military schools.
What do you think young Egyptians thought when they watched the dazzling opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics?
But the sight of young Egyptians like himself, clad in kerchiefs and cowboy hats, serving up french fries, only made him more depressed.
Even today, she has retained a near-mythical status among young Egyptians.
Zero amounts of democracy are going to give young Egyptians a future in the current economy which is all they truely want.
Both the book and the blog are popular among young Egyptians (both males and females).
Four young Egyptians take different paths to find the place they can each call "Home".
In more recent years, younger Egyptians gave up on the place, came to dream of fulfillment - economic, personal, political - in foreign lands.