Many young Koreans think those who eat dog are an anachronism.
We have two million young Koreans with weapons, and the threat from the North is real.
Park says that young Koreans "no longer have a problem with Japanese popular culture."
Park continued: "You might find this invasion of privacy a bit scary, but young Koreans like it.
And in case the Mayor failed to get the message, young Koreans weaved through the crowd, handing out voter registration forms.
Many young Koreans seem to have absorbed this lesson: the vast majority of Korea's several million students have not taken to the streets.
Many more young Koreans were being inspired by priests and church activities than actually joined, however.
The Cardinal, he said, had observed that his election should stand as a model to young Koreans of how perseverance can lead to success.
She is also credited with the initial formulation of a Korean chivalric code and sent young Koreans to China for martial arts training.
Korea was under occupation by Japan until 1945, and Communist ideology held some attraction for young, nationalistic Koreans.