The show was immensely popular among young Latinos, but controversial among the older audience.
Now there were two girls, both Anglo-looking, and one enormously built young Latino.
The grateful client thanked him and called him a role model for other young Latinos.
They're joined by a growing crowd of young Latinos from the hip-hop generation discovering how their parents used to party.
"A large percentage of young Latinos live in an English-language world."
Latinos make up one of the fastest-growing ethnic groups in the state, and young Latinos are dropping out at alarming levels.
But the young Latino is a good officer.
For young Latinos, reggaeton puts their imprint on the music of the times.
He will also have oversight of mun2, the fastest growing lifestyle cable network for young bicultural Latinos.
John: Oh, yeah, I can see you playing a lot of young Latinos.