A young Mexican who started his shift 10 hours earlier climbed out with a bag of garbage and heaved it onto the sidewalk.
At some point they ran into a group of young Mexicans dressed in zoot suits and got in a verbal argument.
There was a group of young Mexicans at the end of the bar, and I got to talking to them.
The pool players were usually young Mexicans who smoked until their teeth turned yellow and squabbled among themselves like pups.
Like most young urban Mexicans, they intend to vote for Vicente Fox, the first opposition candidate with a shot at victory.
Karina de Martinez, 26, is one of an estimated six million young Mexicans expected to vote this year for the first time.
It was a young Mexican who wanted to escape the crowded Earth with his family of 5.
They hung out with other young Mexicans working to send money home.
Confia paints its branches forest green to project a warm ecological feeling and appeal to young, up-and-coming Mexicans.
The strikers want it to remain a place for the masses, where all kinds of young Mexicans can get at least a little bit of college education.