The young Moroccan, in turn, is filing suit for racism.
Muhammad Ibrahim, 22, a young Moroccan, lived the life of an immigrant with his family in Italy for five years.
Recently, young Moroccans have started to use English words in their dialects.
Still, the violence in February, in which more than 500 North Africans lost homes, astonished this young Moroccan.
Most came in the last decade, and the squares of El Ejido are full of idle young Moroccans.
The exquisitely uni- formed young Moroccan.
A fourth night of sometimes-violent protests by young Moroccans in immigrant neighborhoods has led to calls for new government programs and an integrated police force.
For unemployed young Moroccans, however, they provide an income.
On Jan. 17, a handsome young Moroccan, painting the hall in my building, said: "This is the end of the world.
Recurring themes in their songs are the disorientation and confusion of young Moroccans.