Mister Johnson (1939) is the story of a young Nigerian who falls afoul of the British colonial regime.
"When you talk to young Nigerians about America, they talk about the success of black American athletes, the success of black American musicians," he continued.
The landing pad, a few hundred feet below, was thronged with hundreds of angry young Nigerians peering up at the midmorning sky, clearly shouting and shaking their fists.
Detractors say Fela preaches anarchism and that his open and heavy marijuana smoking encourages drug use among young Nigerians.
And youth groups such as Enough is Enough Nigeria Coalition are giving a voice to millions of young Nigerians and helping them to channel their anger.
"I was there when we defied the government", is what this generation of young Nigerians will be able to tell their children and grandchildren.
Due to its popularity with young Nigerians, Fuji is now the main hook lines of Nigerian hip hop music.
But among young, fashionable Nigerians, voluptuousness is out and thin is in.
Many young Nigerians, like the director's father, left never to come back.
It is the story of a young Nigerian who falls foul of the British colonial regime.