The story is about a young Scotsman who is lured away from his bride by a sylph (fairy) on their wedding day.
The young Scotsman is delighted and joins the divertissement before all flee for another part of the forest.
T e young Scotsman knotted his hands together in his lap.
But try as he might, Mike couldn't help but feel a certain warmth toward the young Scotsman.
Mike was impressed by the young Scotsman's ability to connect the construction equipment with the pickup truck.
A young Scotsman becomes a ship designer instead of following the family tradition and entering farming.
This ballet is about a beautiful sylph (fairy) and James, a young Scotsman.
In it, Boswell, then a young Scotsman of 22, visits London for his second time.
Enough to ransom one young Scotsman, I hoped.
'Horizon looks very empty, sir,' the young Scotsman commented.