She continued with social work and school visits into her 90s, impressing young Singaporeans with the need to maintain strong national defence.
Targeted at younger Singaporeans, it was based on 16 interviews with Lee by seven local journalists in 2008-2009.
The organizers tried to encourage young Singaporeans to express themselves through the arts and music.
Singdarin is the first language of quite a number of younger Singaporeans, especially those whose parents speak different languages at home.
I asked her about young Singaporeans, how they were taking to this Confucian education.
Singaporeans young and old have been gracious and welcoming - we feel very much at home with you.
In 2005, Tan was also named by the Straits Times as one of "50 young Singaporeans to watch".
That's a start, but younger Singaporeans will expect Mr. Lee to be far more aggressive.
Today, most younger Singaporeans have English as their first language or are fluent in English.
Most younger Singaporeans do not speak them anymore.