Perhaps, he mused further, I might even be able to charm some young barmaid into making a decent bed still nicer.
She was a young barmaid and governess in 1892.
During this time, he met a young barmaid named Josefina Catalina de Parez.
"Nay, mistress, we'll no be stayin'," he said to the young barmaid who bustled forward with an eager smile.
"They would always roam about on the street or in the parks, waiting to be petted," a young barmaid explained, her eyes on Caramon.
I had to fight my way through the crush to reach Tristan who was leaning across the counter in earnest conversation with a comely young barmaid.
But he smiled now, enjoying the effect his new painting was having on the lovely, young barmaid he had courted all summer long.
An extremely attractive young barmaid appeared on the scene.
Behind the counter, a young barmaid tried to make herself heard.
Holmes shot the young barmaid a filthy look before turning towards his table.