It's left a lot of passionate young bloggers, reviewers and readers disillusioned and upset.
A number of young bloggers and commentators have been charged under the Sedition Act for making disparaging remarks about race and religion.
I met other young bloggers, journalists, and activists who knew him.
When young bloggers like myself see something like this-it's very encouraging and inspiring.
He has made it increasingly difficult for people to imagine that China's most popular young blogger is a democrat.
At a dinner in Chelsea, I found young bloggers with a new zeal to their anti-Hillary diatribes.
"She's got to stop thinking about herself," said one of the young bloggers I spoke to.
The media, including the Western media, have reported on a scuffle that involved two young bloggers and another two people in a public place.
This also concerns two young bloggers.
The most beloved competition is the annual blogging competition which awards the top young bloggers each year.