He did not make a big impression on the young bohemians.
The film follows two young bohemians, Zano and Naima.
There he met a group of young bohemians such as Buzzy Linhart, Liz Johnston, and Harvey Pekar.
For instance, although she mocked wealthy art patrons, she politely declined to point out that young bohemians can suffer from their own forms of smugness.
It's also a smart, funny portrait of optimistic young bohemians in New York not long after the turn of the last century.
The opera freely adapted Murger's episodic novel into a four-act opera focusing on six young bohemians in Paris.
More to the point perhaps, he saw 1914 as a moment of lost innocence against which the story of the young bohemians could play naturally.
His new paintings of young bohemians relaxing in vibrant, stage-set interiors have a formal force that extends emphatically to the corners.
Many young colonial bohemians of the day were entertained by his quick acerbic wit.
"The Low Down" follows a loose-knit group of young English bohemians whose preoccupations - work, love, drinking and real estate - will surely resonate with their American counterparts.