They include scenes such as Hernán Cortés greeting the first Franciscan missionaries in Mexico, the martyrdom of some of the first young converts to Christianity and even a scene where the monks are flogging Cortés.
Dissension seems always to follow the 55-year-old Islamic fundamentalist, whose incendiary blend of Islam and revolutionary politics has brought him young converts here and in Egypt.
His vision for his work in Liberia included establishing a mission house, a school, a seminary for young Christian converts, and churches.
These young converts would be influential in convincing their relatives and people of their community to embrace the new faith.
Among them are the Vineyard and Calvary Chapel movements, which began among young converts in California and are unaffiliated with any traditional denomination.
I am willing to bet that the Realtor's Association is eager to win these young converts and their moneyed parents to their cause of real estate as the "you can't lose" investment.
There twenty-two young Japanese converts began to the process of instruction towards holy orders.
The tobacco company's claim that the advertising campaign hasn't drawn a huge number of young converts is within the realm of plausibility.
In 1845, after much agonizing, he became a Roman Catholic, joining what was still a small minority church of old Catholic families, Irish immigrants and rash young converts.