The younger crop of players had matured and top points scorer with 282 - a new club record was Michael Morgan.
A single swarm can often deplete a younger crop to nothing in a matter of a few days.
"You're constantly looking at the younger crop to see it they're going to grow up to be the next John Doerr."
Heavy rain pelted down into the fields of young, green crops.
Continue your journey away from the earth and toward the light and nurture your own young crops.
They sloped down again, toward the faint green of young crops the humanoids must have planted.
But those pitchers, generally considered the best young crop in the majors, have failed miserably.
This standing stone is on level ground in a field of young crop at about 20 m OD.
In the spring, after the winter rains, the area is covered by young crops or fresh grass.
The use of hemispherical photographs for determining the leaf area index of young crops.