During the period of training the young devotee is called "Deka-Adhikar", or young pontiff.
Ramakrishna used to recommend young devotees to read this book.
One or two young devotees gave a shrill cry or so of passionate indignation.
Such alienated types, with their not-of-this-world glassiness, exert a powerful pull on some of fashion's youngest devotees.
He was universally admired by young and old devotees for his love, kindness and tenderness towards all and sundry.
All were accepted except a young female devotee from Hualien, a county in eastern Taiwan.
In fact, Cinderella lust causes some young devotees to behave more like her wicked stepsisters.
The young devotees like Swami Vivekananda spent almost all their time serving the Master in those days.
And yet, on a wet Sunday afternoon in southern Germany, he finds himself besieged by a gaggle of young female devotees.
The younger devotees of the series, who seem to be legion, have a habit of dutifully rereading the complete gospel before each addition.