But when Gorbachev took everybody, including the young dissidents, by surprise and called for political reforms, China ceased to be an example for liberal reformists.
Many younger dissidents, in contrast, have been infected with the optimism that pervades Chinese society and are now willing to pursue their goals from within.
Many young dissidents, such as left-wing students and anti-war activists, were forced to leave the country so they could escape imprisonment or conscription.
Luka - a young political dissident.
He says the youngest dissidents - of whom Wang Dan is the most prominent - almost literally don't understand the language that Wei speaks.
Besides, as Bernstein points out, it's not as though the younger dissidents are accomplishing any more than Wei.
May is usually the season for demonstrations in Seoul, but the recent confrontations have been particularly sharp after the fatal police beating of a young dissident.
But at first, the estimated 220 young dissidents, a smaller number from the original group that occupied the cathedral last Wednesday, refused to go.
Of course if you were present at the meeting of the young dissidents you would know who I was.
These young and talented dissidents have sought to reveal not only the inequities of apartheid but the myths behind the official version of Afrikaner identity.