Pregnant and at loose ends, she has come to America to be with Alex (Richard Nagel), the young Russian émigré who is the father of her baby.
At some point in his trips to Hadera, in Israel, Mr. Gluzman met a young Russian emigre, Raisa Korenblitt, and they fell in love.
Two of the first, they said, were young Cuban emigres trained in Miami and dropped back on the island in 1995, with 51 pounds of plastic explosives.
One night in 1961 a young émigré from Minnesota came in and asked to play.
Daniel Besnehard's drama, directed by Peter Muste, about a Polish countess, her lover and a young emigre aboard an ocean liner bound for Ellis Island.
On August 15, 1929, Emil married Natalia Naumovna Jasny (Natascha), a young Russian émigré who had been a student in several of his classes.
The artwork was selected from the society's poster contests for young emigres in 1995 and 1996.
The answer is in the history of a young Jamaican émigré named Clive Campbell.
A steady influx of young white emigres from Manhattan has also fueled fears of displacement, particularly among Latinos in the neighborhood.
Worse, he is engaged to a young white Russian émigré, a lap dancer.