The tremors of change are, nevertheless, detectable, especially among younger evangelicals.
Gabe Lyons, 32, is emblematic of the transformation among many younger evangelicals.
Mohler says the awareness of the damage being caused by what he and others call "the contraceptive mentality" is felt most acutely today by younger evangelicals: "I detect a huge shift.
He has stated that "younger evangelicals [...] are decidedly pro-life" and that "health care is just as important to younger evangelicals as is abortion."
The difference between that rebellion and the current one, he added, is that the secular counterculture of the 60's, while often hostile to organized religion, was essentially amenable to the young evangelicals' message.
In 2000 she wrote a column asserting that few young evangelicals took a commitment to premarital chastity seriously.
For a lot of young evangelicals, church is a rock festival, or a skate park or hanging out in someone's basement.
That is not only because of the growing pull of evangelical churches, but also because of New York's appeal as a challenging landscape for young evangelicals.
As a teenager in Toronto, Hinn converted from Greek Orthodoxy to Pentecostalism, eventually joining a singing troupe made up of young evangelicals.
The impact of this movement was so large that "By the 1970s, it was said, the majority of younger evangelicals in the Church of England were charismatic in outlook."