Ashley McIsaacs, a young fiddler from Canada, danced and played at the same time.
A great debut album by one of the most talented and fun-loving young fiddlers you could ever hope to meet!
During this time he gave lessons to many young fiddlers, including Aly Bain.
The growing number of young professional Scottish fiddlers makes a complete list impossible.
The young fiddler did not dare to disobey.
The young fiddler played one of the popular airs of the day.
Freed from immediate danger, the young fiddler kept on his way.
The girl turned quickly, and, seeing the young fiddler, let fall her tambourine in surprise.
It may be asked whether the padrone gave up all efforts to recover the young fiddler.
He was indeed surprised and pleased when the young fiddler walked up and called him by name.